Launch Sale
Free shipping on all U.S. orders of $250 or more.
Promotion ends March 1, 2016.
Get ready for summer with hot yoga.
Leather & Lace
From your workout, to going out, Princess Laju has you covered. Inspired by the feminine style of lace and leather's dark edge, these versatile pieces are flexible enough for yoga, but stylish enough for the night life.
Yoga with
Teaching Schedule


All products by Laju are available for purchase from the online shop.

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Meet Laju

Here’s where we will: 1. put a small description about the website (WHAT), 2. introduce the founder (WHO), 3. describe the site’s purpose (WHY). 

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Bikram Yoga

26 postures, 2 breathing exercises, 90 minutes, and 105º F with Princess Laju, daughter of Bikram Choudhury
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